31 December 2020

Nepal Airlines from Malaysia has brought a corona positive passenger to Kathmandu on Wednesday. The plane carrying 145 passengers brought a young man from Rautahat who reported positive. He showed a positive report while checking in the health desk of the health service department. There is an international practice that only a passenger who has tested negative for corona 72 hours before boarding the ship should board the ship.

According to this practice, all passengers coming from abroad have to undergo PCR. Only those whose report was negative should have boarded the ship, but Nepal Airlines’ RA 416 aircraft also brought passengers from Malaysia on Wednesday whose PCR report was positive. After checking the PCR report, he was admitted to the Martyr Shukraraj Tropical and Communicable Diseases Hospital in Teku. The director of the hospital, Dr. Sagar Rajbhandari said that those who came from Malaysia positively were admitted. “The condition of an infected person with no symptoms is normal,” he said. “They have been admitted and sent to a lab for swab testing.” The report is yet to come. ‘

As soon as you get off the ship and enter the terminal, you have to show the report to the health desk. “While checking the report, a man found the corona positive,” said a health worker. We left the passengers from that ship and went to the management. ‘ A doctor at the Ministry of Health said that an investigation should be launched into how the positive passenger was brought. “The ship itself has become more insecure after bringing a positive case,” he said. Of the 145 people on board, 54 have been placed in the hotel quarantine. Others have been sent to stay at home in isolation, airport sources said.

The plane landed at Tribhuvan International Airport at 9.45 am on Wednesday. A security guard at the airport said it took three hours to manage the passengers on board. “Only those sitting in the seat next to the infected are kept in isolation at the hotel,” the security guard said. PCR will be done five days after being placed in isolation of the hotel.


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