Ram Chandra Nepal


Japanese social worker Kazumasa Kakimi OK Baje has supported Sri Sarbajanik Primary School in Tansen Municipality Ward No. 12.

During a program, Okebaje provided three lakh rupees in cash for the construction of a school building.

While handing over the check to Ramchandra Nepal, Chairman of the School Management Committee, OKebaje mentioned that he has supported various schools in Palpa. He said that he is ready to help in the days to come.

On that occasion, Ramchandra Nepal, Chairman of the School Management Committee, said that OK Baje’s support will help in the construction of the school building and promised to complete the construction of the building on time.

Likewise, Ward President of Ward No. 12, Major C KC, said that with his help, the school building will be constructed with the help of the ward. Similarly, in the program, the principal of the school, Ramkumari Thapa, discussed that OK Baje had helped the school before and thanked him for helping to construct the building now.

On that occasion, social workers Jhamansi Darlami, Mann Bahadur Rana, Bhim Bahadur Raskoti, Shiv Nepal, Gopal Si Ale and others gave their speeches. A committee has also been formed under the chairmanship of Man Bahadur Rana to construct the school building.


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