By Reporter,

Kathmandu: It’s not a yesterday or present story it is a history starting from 2 decades ago. He started his preparation to go to Malayasia as his foreign employment. There was no direct flight to Malaysia from Nepal. Hence plane had to go to Thailand and then the foresighted nation.

In that period of time Nepalese in Malaysia was difficult to find each other rather than nowadays. If luck hit them and helped them to meet their nation fellow they won’t stop sharing their things with each other. Those days weren’t so developed as it is nowadays with 5g cell phones, telephones, the time was difficult but he subsistence.

The elder son of his family Dambar Bahadur Bhujel went to Malaysia for foreign employment. He became so charmed with Malaysia that he didn’t think of returning home nation back.

Though Dumbar easily deleted his feelings for his family members. His family could never forget him. Days of preying of his mom and dad, wishing he would come but all that went in vain. He even did not know his Mom and Grandmother were deceased.  He sent 70,000 rupees to his family later than in a letter and a photo of him and then nothing. His family members all got settled but him charming in Malaysia.

He worked in every place he could. The money he earned was lavishly spent.  Literally, he never thought of his family. Due to lavishness, his friends wanted him to go back to Nepal but their efforts went in vain too.  Unluckily, he got into an accident and his friends helped him with the hospital and costs. His right side brain is taken out which is still in Malaysian Hospital.

He never had any memories of coming out of the hospital. Whenever his friends ask about his brain he told that it might be in the hospital.  If any problem occurs to him in Malaysiya he used to have a helping hand of  Raj Shrestha.

It was when senior Journalist Rabi Lamichanne had just begun his Sida Kura news portal. His friends conveyed his situation in the studio and his parents and family member’s wishes came alive once again. Even in the days of tihar he promised his sister to come back but never did.

Then after a tremendous number of ups and down in Malaysia, he decided to go to the embassy of Nepal in Malaysia. Just 3 days ago DAMBAR BAHADUR returned to Nepal safely on Saturday.

His sister came to pick him up and due to the pandemic, he is quarantined.








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